May 9, 2013
After grandma trying and trying to get my tooth loose enough to pull out, she finally took me to the dentist cause my adult tooth was growing in behind my baby tooth. The dentist just put a little numbing medicine on the gums and out it came with no crying.
May 30, 2013
Everyday at preschool, I get on the potty so I am very familiar with what it is for but I prefer to go in my diaper. Well, summer is about here and the house is getting warm so off the diaper came today. My grandma seen me standing beside my rocking chair, which mean I am having a BM so she ran me into to bathroom and my grandma was shocked cause I had already went in there when she was in the kitchen. I just couldn't get on the toilet. My grandma did a happy potty dance and was really happy.
When I first get to preschool, I hurry into the computer room before Devin sees me. Devin is a little downs syndrome boy who gets so excited to see me every morning and comes running at me and grabs me. I don't like it and it scares me and makes me cry. I love to get on the computers and can even work the mouse and play games.After computer time we sit on the carpet for roll call. I am the fish, so when the teacher holds up the fish, I stand up and take the fish and then go to the name board and put the fish on my name. I learned this year that I am "SHAWN" that's me !!! am I will point to myself when someone says where is Shawn.
This was my last year of preschool and boy did I learn a lot. I know every color and shape and if you show me words on flash card, all you need to do is tell me the word once and I will never forget it.
I don't even know how many sight word I know, to many
If I could talk, I bet I could read very well at age 5. Oh and I weigh 49 lbs and 48 1/2" tall.
I have said a few random word at the appropriate time, I told my mom to "SIT" I told grandma "CHAIR" cause we were making waffles and I needed the chair at the counter. I said "JOSH" at an inappropriate time but it made all the sad people laugh. We were at my great grandpa dons' funeral and josh told me to Shhhh, to I yelled at him and said "JOSH"
My teacher walked by me and said her name 'NONI" and I told my therapist "ORANGE"
I hardly every talk but when I do, pay close attention.
- I am very smart with the ipad, I can do puzzles,games and even trace every letter of the alphabet which I have just started to do with a pencil and paper which is hard for me to grasp the concept.
- I learned to use a PEC BOOK at school so I now have one at home. It is a small binder filled with words and when I want something I take the small velcro words and put them on my sentence stripe then I take my sentence stripe and find someone to give it to.
- I love words !!! Every where there is a word, I like to point and it and have someone tell me what it says.
- I am a great hugger and love to hug everyone even strangers.
Things I love to do:
Hanging out with my cool uncle Josh and play video games with him
Hanging out with my cousin Sydney and swim.
My cousin Sydney loves me and is so sweet and gentle with me.
She teaches me lots of stuff and I teach her stuff like sign language
The not so fun facts
- I am still nonverbal
- not potty trained yet
- cant walk very far and use a stroller a lot
- my lower leg bones are twisting
- my upper leg bones isn't in the hip socket at the right angle so I cant run
- my one hip is lower on one side
- my lower back is starting to curve
- my tubes fell out and have a checkup next week to see if the fluid is draining, I hope I don't need more tubes in
- I don't really know how to play with toys
I don't really interact much with others
I aspirate on liquids
constipation is a big issue
I am on risperdol which help me focus
I have a weird eating disorder.