Tuesday, September 27, 2011

3 yrs and 9 months

Guess it is time for an update on shawn. I was going to wait till his 4th bday but decided not to. He is 39 lbs and 42" tall. Yes, on really tall boy, as tall as a 5 yr old. One of his biggest hurdles, that is no long a major issue much anymore, is his younger cousin Sydney. He really had a hard time around her. Well, not really her but her cries. With his sensory issues, cries from kids bothered his ears. Everytime we went to visit sydney, he would start crying as soon as we pulled up in front of her house. Now he just walks right in and either wants tv on or heads straight to her room to take off all the books on her book shelf. All 40 books!!! haha

I bet you can guess what his favoite toy is? BOOKS !!!! He love to point at pictures in his books then wait till we tell him what it is. When he goes to therapy, the first thing he does is grab a magazine then when his therapist comes to get him, he will push her away cause he isn't done with his magazine yet. haha..it is really cute. I try to get there a little early so he can read his magazine.

Tidbits about shawn: This is his 2nd year of preschool. His first year only lasted 6 weeks then it was summer vacation. Last year he went to preschool 2 days a week and this year he goes 5 days a weeks from 8:30-11:45am. What a nice little break for me :) His teacher said he is really showing lots of improvements this year. He is just starting to match cards and finally learned his face parts. When I pick him up, they are alway sitting on the floor while his teacher reads a giant book and plays a singing cd with it. Shawn sits right up front by the teacher and flaps his arms and squeels. He loves book time.

Potty trained? Nope not yet.. constipations is getting worse and the Miralax isn't working as well as it use to. Yes i give him higher doses but with higher doses, you need a higher fluid intake or it just doesn't work. Right now we are experimenting with 100% Aloe Vera, more fiber and pureed prunes in yogert is his favorite. I also discovered cleansing enemas that are safe to use daily

He is really taking off with his sign language. He know about 20ish signs. He learns them very quickly but will only do them occationally.
mama,grandpa,grandma,bath,hat,shoes,eat,milk,thirsy,banana,hot,cat,dog,outside,sleep,brush teeth,candy,icecream,go bye bye,

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